Badger Loans Blog Posts | Loan News, Tips, Advices

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What is a Bridging Loan?

When buying a residential property in the UK your average house purchaser goes nowhere near a bridging loan. So says…

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Factors That Affect Your Credit Score

In The Beginning  There are many factors affecting credit score. Some you can do something about quite easily, others not…

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Can you get an emergency cash loan quickly?

Life is a roller coaster, isn’t it? Yes, you might have planned your monthly budget, investments, and other necessary funds,…

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badger loans money mentor

Badger Loans links up with Money Mentor – All Information

We are delighted to announce an ongoing collaboration as Badger Loans links up with Money Mentor, the highly respected financial…

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The Benefits of Being a Stay at Home Parent

The Benefits of Being a Stay at Home Parent

There’s a lot to be said for being a stay at home parent. Let’s face it, no one else can…

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Understanding Personal Loans in the UK

What is a Loan and Why Take One Out? Pt2

Consume Consume Consume So says the mantra of 21st century mainstream everything. And, boy do we know how to consume.…

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personal loan

What is a Loan and Why Take One Out? Pt1

Part 1 – What is a Loan There are many reasons to take out an unsecured personal loan and we…

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Managing Your Finances in a World Dripping in Fear

Tips on Managing Your Finances ‘May You Live in Interesting Times’   From Sir Austen Chamberlain to Robert F Kennedy,…

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Credit Refusal Worsening the COVID Financial Impact?

A survey just revealed what several people already knew and have been warning about. The financial impact of COVID-19 goes…

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Open Banking – The New Kid on the Block

  An Open banking has been with us by one name, but you may not have heard of it yet.…

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New Debt Letters to Support People with Problem Debt

  Letters unchanged in 40 years An apparent 100,000 people attempt to take their own lives each year because of…

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Coronavirus Payment Holidays – Your Rights & Obligations

Coronavirus Payment Holidays When the panic set in properly in March/April of this year nobody had any idea of how…

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Salary Finance or Employer Salary Advance – What is it?

Can I Have a Sub Please Boss? In this blog post we’ll be looking at the world of salary finance…

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Payday Loan Regulations – A Background and History

In the two sides to a typical loan agreement (borrower and lender) there has usually been one side who has…

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Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update

Update (24/2/21) Hi Everybody, We just wanted to let you know that our lending panel of 40 direct lenders is…

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what is a pingtree?

Pingtree Loans – What is a Pingtree for Loans?

In our 21st century of ever-advancing technological innovation, the advent of the pingtree will have gone largely unnoticed. Certainly by…

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What is an Emergency and What is Not?

What is a Financial Emergency? What is not an Emergency?

Emergency Cash Loans, as the name suggests, are for when disaster has struck. There’s no sickening feeling quite like it;…

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The CCJ Process – What You Need To Know

The CCJ Process – What You Need To Know

The CCJ Process A CCJ loan is for people who have a County Court judgement registered against them at their…

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A Brief History of Payday Lending

A Brief History of Payday Lending – What is it?

With the coronavirus having cut through the world’s population like a hot knife through butter, the fallout has had most…

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loans during covid-19

Loans During Covid-19 – Personal, Payday – Company Statement

Further to our brief statement we put online a couple of days ago we felt it best to give you…

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What is a Pay Plan or Arrangement to Pay?

What is a Pay Plan?   A pay plan is something that is set up if you are struggling to…

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What is a Credit Union?

Credit unions help people borrow or save money at lower interest rates than they would receive through traditional lenders. Credit…

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What Does a Debt Management Company Do?

What is a Debt Management Company?   Also known as debt relief or debt consolidation, debt management companies can take…

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How do Credit Limits Work? What are they exactly?

A credit limit is the total amount you can spend on your credit card. This amount can fluctuate, depending on…

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Can Amigo Take You to Court?

Yes, it is possible that Amigo Loans could take court action against you, but it is worth keeping in mind…

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Revolving Credit

What is Revolving Credit?

Revolving credit refers to a credit line category that enables you to have access to a certain amount of money…

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What Information Do You Need to Provide for a Secured...

You will need to provide documents in order to apply for a secured loan. These are usually: Making sure that…

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frequently asked questions

What does Subject to Status mean?

Subject to status when it comes to unsecured loans or other loan products available, means that your approval is based…

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payday loans expensive

Why Are Payday Loans So Expensive?

  Payday loans are unsecured loans (meaning that there is no security such as a property or vehicle that backs…

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Do Payday Loans Affect Your Chances of Getting a Mortgage?

Do Payday Loans Affect Your Chances of Getting a Mortgage?

Do Payday Loans Affect Getting a Mortgage? No, a payday loan will not harm your ability to get a mortgage.…

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Badger Loans